Welcome to ICSGV Weekend Islamic School (WIS)

Registration Form - School Year 2024-2025
Weekend Islamic School - Islamic Center San Gabriel Valley

1. Student Information
Name (First, MI, Last) Email Reg. School Grade
Child 1  
Child 2  
Child 3  
Child 4  
Child 5  
Child 6  
2. Parent Information
Mother's Name * Cell *   -
Father's Name Cell      -
All parents are encouraged to volunteer. It is recommended that parents volunteer one Sunday during the school year
3. Registration Fee Tution fee 1st child: $475.00 per year; $50 discount for each suucessive child
4. Parent Permission and Waiver
5. Parent Consent for Medical Treatment
Allergies Medications
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Child 6

6. Names of persons authorized to pickup child(ren) in Emergency
Name Address Phone Driver Lic.